BARNES COUNTY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Barnes County North Dollars for Scholars has awarded 7 Returning College Student Scholarships for the 2022 Fall Semester.
“A big thank you goes out to these sponsors that helped make this happen,” the organization stated. They include:
BCN Education Association Don & Phyllis Schlecht Family Memorial
Christ Family Memorial Gilbert, Hilde, & Wendy Sodawasser Memorial
Dacotah Bank ND Dollars for Scholars (Bank of ND)
Ethan Guscette Memorial BCN Dollars for Scholars
Jon Klein Memorial
The following Returning College Student Scholarship recipients each received $750.00 They are:
Sara Anderson – Minnesota State University, Moorhead
Peter Bryn – NDSCS
Shannon Bryn – University of Jamestown
Kendra Greshik – University of Mary
Hailey Schaefer – University of Jamestown
Clara Wieland – VCSU
Samantha Wieland – Univ. of Colorado-Anschutz Medical Campus