Jeff Schafer, Photo: North Dakota Stockmen’s Association (NDSA)
BISMARCK, N.D. (NDSA) – The North Dakota Stockmen’s Association (NDSA) recognized long-time association members Nancy Jo Bateman of New Salem, N.D., Fred Helbling of Mandan, N.D., and Jeff Schafer of New Rockford, N.D., with Honorary Membership Awards at a special awards banquet during its annual convention in Bismarck, N.D. on Sunday, Sept. 25.
New Rockford, N.D., rancher and NDSA President Jeff Schafer has been an NDSA member for 33 years.
Schafer earned a bachelor’s degree in animal science from NDSU. Following the opportunity to grow, learn and network, Schafer returned to his family’s operation in Eddy County.
He represents the fifth generation of Rhein Valley Farm. Three of those generations are currently operating the diversified farm and ranch. “My initial passion comes from being born and raised here,” said Schafer, “but, when the other generations share the same goals and vision, that’s rewarding and sustainability at its best.”
Today, Rhein Valley Farm is comprised of a 400-head Angus cow-calf operation and a 999-head backgrounding and finishing feedlot for owned and purchased cattle. Schafers raise corn, soybeans, pinto beans and seed oats. They also use cover crops and residue grazing for their cattle enterprises. In addition, he and his wife Leann are full-service Purina dealers with bulk and bag products and a feed mill.
“When I can do everyday tasks with multiple generations by my side, it’s not work, it’s a reward,” said Schafer. He is especially proud of the generations that have paved the way and those that will succeed him. “Curveballs come, but we persevere, work hard and never quit,” he said. With the mentorship of his parents, Schafer’s goal has been to lead by example, just as they have
Before accepting the NDSA’s top post, Schafer served on the NDSA Board of Directors as a District 1 director, the NDSA Budget Committee, the NDSA Resolutions Committee, the NDSA Brand Board, where he was the chairman, and the NDSA Research & Education Committee, where he was vice chairman. Schafer has also participated in the Young Cattlemen’s Legislative Conference, Beyond the Bunk Workshop, Beef Industry Military Appreciation Day and the Healthcare Heroes Appreciation Day. He has hosted and attended the Spring Roundups and the Feedlot Tour, attended the All Breeds Cattle Tour and spoke at the Tomorrow’s Top Hands Beef Leadership Summit. “The future is bright,” said Schafer. “The NDSA focuses on the youth as much as they do the adult membership, and the passion that is coming up in the next generation is just as great as ours and we need to continue to foster and grow it.”
“Schafer is recognized as an enthusiastic volunteer and has taken extra steps to grow the NDSA’s membership base and promote its services to producers. He is a several-time membership recruitment champion. Over his presidential term, he has helped the industry navigate many challenges, including a historic drought in 2021 and back-to-back record-setting blizzards in 2022.
Schafer is a past president of the Wells County 4-H Council and the St. Joseph and St. John Church Parish Councils. He is also a past New Rockford Economic Development board member.
He and his wife Leann have three adult children, Chelsey (Kyle) Erdmann, Colten and Corey, and three grandchildren, Kade, Karsyn and Kooper.