Jeff Bowman Photo: North Dakota Stockmen’s Association
BISMARCK, N.D. (NDSA) – The North Dakota Stockmen’s Association (NDSA) acknowledged two employees for their long-time service to the state’s livestock industry during a special awards ceremony at the NDSA’s 93rd Annual Convention & Trade Show in Bismarck, N.D. Sunday, Sept. 25.
Jeff Bowman of Montpelier, N.D., was recognized for 10 years of service to the NDSA as a full-time brand inspector. Bowman currently works as the inspector-in-charge at Aberdeen Livestock in Aberdeen, S.D., Hub City Livestock, also in Aberdeen, and Sisseton Livestock in Sisseton, S.D. He has previously worked as the inspector-in-charge at Wishek Livestock Sales in Wishek, N.D., and Edgeley Livestock in Edgeley, N.D., and assisted at Napoleon Livestock in Napoleon, N.D. Bowman was hired on as a full-time inspector in 2005, took a brief break to focus on his ranch and returned to the association to serve cattle producers in 2016.
Bowman has one son, Ben (Haley), and one granddaughter, Brinley.
“The NDSA has an amazing staff dedicated to the organization and the industry,” said NDSA President Jason Leiseth, an Arnegard N.D., cow-calf producer. “We are grateful for everything they do 365 days a year.”