JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Roosevelt students got to work planting some trees along 6th St. SE and 7th Ave. SE Friday morning in celebration of Arbor Day.
Principal Pat Smith read a proclamation issued and signed by Mayor Dwaine Heinrich on Sept. 23 to the students. The proclamation encourages all citizens to celebrate Arbor Day and support efforts to protect trees and woodlands as well as plant trees to promote the well-being of this and future generations.
City Forrester Erik Laber then walked students through the importance of separating roots and preparing the trees before planting them.
Arbor Day was established as a special day in 1872 by the Nebraska Board of Agriculture dedicated to planting trees and was first observed with the planting of more than one million trees in Nebraska.
Students planted 11 trees of different varieties with the help of Laber, teachers, and volunteers.
Below are some photos from the event: