BISMARCK, N.D. (Prairie Public Radio) – $502 million dollars in loans and grants is being awarded to rural residents, schools and businesses in 20 states as part of the US Department of Agriculture’s ReConnect Program.
This is the third round of funding of the program. The funds will be used to invest in infrastructure for reliable, affordable and high-speed internet.
In total, four companies in North Dakota will receive roughly $47.3 million dollars in grants and loans. USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack says the money includes funding from President Biden’s Infrastructure law.
North Dakota companies receiving grants include $13.8 million to Consolidated Enterprises Incorporated, BEK Communications Cooperative receiving $13.9 million, and Halstad Telephone Company receiving $2.8 million. One loan is being given, to Griggs County Telephone Company, for $16.8 million.
All told, this funding will bring high speed internet to 5,822 people, 205 business, 680 farms, five schools and eleven educational facilities in North Dakota.