JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Planning is underway to bring back the popular Trick-or-Treat experience at the Frontier Village this Halloween.
Tourism Visitor Experience Manager Allison Limke says she’s seeking individuals or organizations to be part of the event on Monday, Oct. 31 from 5-7 PM.
“We need volunteers and candy donations to make the event successful,” Limke says.
She says you can donate candy, volunteer, or both.
“Any of these options is wonderful and I thank you in advance for any time and candy spent up here,” Limke added. “Last year we had over 1,000 kids visit the Frontier Village.”
Limke says individuals or clubs that would like to help out can reach her by calling 701.251.9145 or email at allison@discoverjamestownnd.com