COOPERSTOWN, N.D. (NDSA) – Eight of the area’s premier seedstock producers will be featured on the North Dakota Stockmen’s Association’s (NDSA) 35th annual All Breeds Cattle Tour Oct. 3 in the Cooperstown, N.D., area.
“We are thrilled to welcome all to attend the 35th annual All Breeds Cattle Tour,” said Tour Chairman Kelly Hanson of Hannaford, N.D. “A variety of different breeds will be showcased on the tour, along with hosts who are committed to producing high-quality cattle that will be profitable in both seedstock and commercial settings.”
Registration begins at 7 a.m., Monday, Oct. 3, at the tour headquarters, the AmericInn in Valley City, N.D. The bus will depart from there at 7:30 a.m. for a stop at Olson Hereford Ranch of Argusville, N.D., where breakfast will be served. From there, the tour will travel to Elliott Livestock of Clifford, N.D., where guest Tri E Simmentals, also of Clifford, will have cattle on display. Next, the tour will travel to Ressler Angus Ranch of Cooperstown, N.D., where lunch will be served. Following that stop, the tour will stop at Ressler Land and Cattle also of Cooperstown. Then, the tour will stop at Twedt Red Angus of McHenry, N.D. The final ranch stop of the tour will be at Haugen Cattle Company of Hannaford, N.D., where guest Triple H Simmentals, also of Hannaford, will be featured. A social and 6:30 p.m. supper at Hannaford Mercantile in Hannaford, will conclude the tour. This is also where the grand doorprize, a Weber grill, will be given away. Participants must be present to win. The bus will return to the AmericInn in Valley City, N.D., at 9:30 p.m.
A block of rooms has been reserved at the AmericInn. To make reservations and receive a discounted room rate, call (701) 845-5551 and mention the NDSA All Breeds Cattle Tour.
There is no cost to attend the tour. Pre-registration is not required but is encouraged for meal and bus planning purposes. To ensure a spot on the bus and to be entered in a special incentive drawing for a $250 cash prize, call (701) 223-2522 or (701) 400-7088 or e-mail jkoski@ndstockmen.org by Sept. 21.
The NDSA is a 93-year-old beef cattle producers’ trade organization that works to unite, protect, promote, educate and serve the state’s beef industry. The All Breeds Cattle Tour is an annual project of the NDSA Seedstock Council.