JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Bureau of Reclamation will begin repairs on the concrete floor of the Jamestown Dam outlet works stilling basin beginning Sept. 1.
During the repair work, no releases will be made from the dam. The estimated time to complete the repair work is approximately two months. Portions of the area may be closed to public access to ensure the safety of the workers and the public. In anticipation to the start date, the reservoir’s elevation will be lowered from the top of the joint use pool, elevation 1431.0 feet, to near the base of the flood control pool, elevation 1429.8 feet.
The main components of the work will include constructing a cofferdam downstream of the outlet works to unwater the stilling basin, removing the damage done to existing concrete floor surface and placing new reinforced concrete.
Removal of the cofferdam is anticipated for Nov. 1, after which dam releases will resume as normal.
Jamestown Dam and Reservoir in central North Dakota provides flood protection and has a potential municipal water supply for the city of Jamestown, North Dakota. When the Garrison Diversion Unit is constructed, Jamestown Reservoir will control and reregulate water required for irrigation of lands downstream along the James River to near the South Dakota border. The reservoir also provides recreation opportunities and fish and wildlife conservation.
For additional information please contact Nathan Kraft at (701) 221-1254.