VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Great news, the levees are disappearing, Thank you to our Valley City Employees, the team of contractors & FEMA as removal is moving along nicely. Citizens, please be patient as crews will be cleaning & seeding areas where levees were placed.
For your safety, please walk & jog facing traffic, DO NOT walk or jog with traffic. If you are facing traffic you have an opportunity to get out of the way, if traffic is behind you, you have NO chance. “Hi-vis” clothing adds greater safety.
Saturday, August 27th the Dakota Riders held its Hill Climb. There was a nice crowd for the well-run event. I saw a 63-year-old guy and a 7-year-old girl each challenge “the hill” and many other talented riders as well. If you haven’t attended the hill climb event, consider attending next year. Thank you again Dakota Riders.
Garbage pick-up; be sure to have your garbage “out” by 7:00AM for pick-up. Some days, times at your home may vary, but pick-up begins at 7:00AM. Thank you.
Good news for people looking to work. Our City has an opening for a police officer and two other jobs are to be listed mid-week. If you are looking for a good working environment and you qualify, please send a letter of interest to HR Director, PO Box 390.
This time of the year often has beautiful evenings. Get out, walk, jog, bike or sit in your yard and enjoy the evening air.
“When you have exhausted all the possibilities, remember this: you haven’t”. (Thomas Edison)
Blessings, Respect, Kindness and Prayers, Dave Carlsrud mayor of Valley City.