
Valley City Trap News

August 22, 2022

Submitted by Lewis Legge

There was a couple of handfuls of shooters Tuesday evening at the Trap Range so it was a pretty relaxed evening. This certainly is the time of the season to get started trap shooting as there is time for instruction to improve one’s skills.  Roy Carlson from up Wimbledon way came down to shoot a little and discuss cooperative events.  I thank him for the visit.  Speaking of this, going around to local clubs and shooting on their ranges is actually good experience for attending competitive events.  ATA or not.

I shot my first round of skeet of the season with Ray and Tim.  Pretty nice night except stations 3, 4, and 5 had a number of missed skeets buzzing about.  My score? Oh the horror.

Dan Anderson had high trap with 24. Mike Howe broke 21 on the skeet range and I chipped my way to a 21 on 5-stand.

Tip of the Week: Go visit and shoot other ranges as it will improve your competitive concentration. Shoot well.