JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Repairs are currently underway to preserve and maintain the World’s Largest Buffalo.
Jamestown Tourism Executive Director Searle Swedlund says concrete has been repaired and it will be painted at a later date.
To pay for this, Swedlund says they would like to tap into what’s called the 691 fund, which are dollars that came from Jamestown Tourism years ago.
Swedlund asked the committee to consider renaming the 691 Fund to the Jamestown Monument Preservation Fund and rededicate that fund to repair, maintain, improve, and preserve the 1959 World’s Largest Buffalo statue.
Councilmember David Steele asked how the funds have been used in the past. Swedlund says the dollars were being held by the city on behalf of Jamestown Tourism.
Swedlund says by creating the fund for the statue, it would create potential projects down the line for the monument.
Councilmember Dan Buchanan moved to approve renaming the fund. The Jamestown Civic Center and Promotion Committee unanimously approved. Councilmember David Schloegel was not present.
The committee then gave their kudos to Swedlund and the work he’s done for the last 10 years as he transitions out of the Executive Director role.