JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Jamestown Civic Center is currently monitoring the proposal for a three class system in some North Dakota High School sports.
Civic Center Executive Director Pam Fossee informed the Civic Center and Promotion Committee that they are awaiting the final draft plan from the NDHSSA, which may be seen sometime in October.
Fosse says the Civic Center will need to consider bids for a new basketball floor for the Civic Center depending on the State of North Dakota Athletic Association decision. She says it’ll need to be replaced regardless of the final decision.
District and region tournaments will still continue, regardless of the proposal results. Jamestown is currently being considered as a host site. If approved, class A & B girls state tournament will rotate between Minot, Grand Forks, and Jamestown. Grand Forks is only available every other year due to hockey tournaments, leaving Jamestown to host the tournament 2 out of 3 years.
To prepare for possible changes and additional tournaments, Fosse says they must meet some requirements as a host site. This includes end-zone seating on the east end for 150-200 students and replacing the basketball floor due to spacing between sections and uneven panels.
She added again that these will need to be done no matter what.
A new floor would cost an estimated $175,000 and $22,000 for additional seating on the east end of the Civic Center. Fosse says there may be some trade-in value and the possibility of sponsorship to help offset costs.
The new floor and seating were approved, contingent upon the decision by the North Dakota Athletic Association.
Fosse also reports the parking lot lighting replacement project and roofing project have both been completed. They will also be taking over the Home & Garden show in 2023 from the Jamestown Chamber of Commerce.