STATEWIDE, N.D. (NDDOT) – The Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over enforcement campaign resumes in North Dakota as law enforcement agencies have extra patrols to deter motorists from driving impaired from Aug. 19 – Sept. 5, 2022.
With nearly 35% of fatalities in North Dakota in 2021 involving alcohol-related crashes, Vision Zero Outreach Coordinators are attending events to educate the public on the dangers of impaired driving, utilizing a tool called SIDNE. Simulate Impaired Driving Experience (SIDNE) is a battery-powered vehicle that simulates the effects of distracted driving and drug and alcohol impairment on a motorist’s ability to operate a motor vehicle.
This highly interactive vehicle operates in two modes, normal and impaired. In normal mode, the vehicle’s steering, braking and acceleration respond appropriately. In impaired mode, the vehicle reacts with delayed steering, braking, and acceleration, simulating the effects of a vehicle being driven by a distracted or impaired driver.
“SIDNE is a fantastic tool to realistically show the dangers of driving impaired while in a controlled course and environment. Any driver can benefit from SIDNE, but it is particularly valuable for teen drivers with limited driving skills. It teaches through hands-on experience that driving impaired and distracted is dangerous,” said Kyle Patterson, Vision Zero Outreach Coordinator for the northwest region.
There are two SIDNEs in use in North Dakota that act as one of several tools Vision Zero Coordinators use to educate young drivers during their visits to driver’s education classes and schools. Organizations and schools are encouraged to contact a Vision Zero Coordinator to schedule a traffic safety visit.
This campaign is part of the Vision Zero strategy to eliminate motor vehicle crash fatalities and serious injuries on North Dakota roads.
Visit the North Dakota Crash Memorial Wall to view memorials built on the hope of preventing another death on North Dakota roads.