VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Pre-construction Meeting for removal of the clay levees was held last week and removals will begin soon. Thank you for your patience everyone.
Last week Tom Heller, CEO at Missouri River Energy Services (MRES), announced his retirement effective next June 30th. Tom is a Rock Lake, ND native and an NDSU graduate who has guided MRES for 30 years. He has been very instrumental in providing Valley City with good electrical rates and reliable electric power. Thank you Tom.
When riding bikes and the like, you will be much safer if you wear an appropriate helmet. Statistics indicate wearing a properly fitted helmet can prevent 9 out of 10 critical brain injuries. For your safety, remember to wear bright colored clothing when biking or walking.
Many VCPS Fall Activities are underway this week. Cross Country, Boys’ Tennis, Girls’ Golf and Football among them. Get out of the house and enjoy some games & matches this year.
VCSU Volleyball, Baseball and Football are underway too with a home volleyball match Thursday.
“Stop bullying, spread Kindness”. (SweetTweets)
Blessings, Respect, Kindness and Prayers, Dave Carlsrud mayor of Valley City.