
The condition rating for the North Dakota spring wheat crop slipped slightly this past week, primarily due to expanding dryness across the state, which is adding some stress to the later developing portion of the crop. Current condition ratings have 74 percent of the spring wheat crop rated good to excellent, down from 80 percent the previous week, but still above five-year average levels, and well above 2021 crop ratings. Most of the shift was down into the fair condition rating, with only a 1 percent increase in the poor to very poor.

As of Monday, NASS was reporting no harvest of the North Dakota spring wheat crop, although harvest has begun across southern portions of the state as the week is progressing. It is too early to get a solid assessment of yields and quality but hopefully there will be more information for next week’s update.

The recent pattern of drier and warmer conditions has been favorable for harvest and advancing crop maturity. Forecasted scattered precipitation will slow progress in some areas of the state the balance of the week. Approximately 14% of the crop was rated as mature on Monday, well behind the more normal level of 45 percent. Nearly two-thirds of the crop has begun to turn color, compared to the more typical level of 90 percent for this date.

Harvest is more advanced in surrounding states with South Dakota estimated at 54% complete, Montana at 22% and Minnesota at 2 percent.