JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – A program overseen by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is helping residents stay connected.
Renee Coles is a consumer education outreach specialist for the FCC. She says the Affordable Connectivity Program, or ACP, was created in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
The FCC benefit program provides a discount on monthly broadband bills for qualifying-low income households.
Those eligible can receive up to $30 a month for broadband service and associated equipment rentals, up to $75 a month discount on tribal lands, and a one-time discount for $100 for a laptop, desktop, or tablet purchased through a participating provider.
Coles says $14 Billion was approved by the federal government and the program has helped more than 10 million households nationwide.
Veterans and residents in Indian Affairs or other similar programs may also qualify. Families who participate in free and reduced school lunches are eligible for ACP as well.
Coles says they are reaching out to communities across the U.S. to become outreach partners. The FCC addressed the city of Jamestown and organizations including Central Valley Health and Buffalo Bridges Human Service Zone on the plan and how to spread more information.
Those interested in the program can visit affordableconnectivity.gov online to apply. Preferred service providers who participate will also have information on the program.