
USAgNet –

Conditions for many summer crops got better the last week of July, according to Monday’s Crop Progress Report by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

In 18 selected states, this included corn (rated 61% good or excellent compared to 60% the week before) and soybeans (60% vs. 59%).

Among top-producing states, Iowa continues to have the best quality with 76% corn and 73% soybeans, followed closely by Illinois with 71% corn and 68% soybeans.

Minnesota’s soybeans were also rated at 66% good/excellent this past week.

As for spring wheat in six selected states, the rating improved from 68% good/excellent to 70% week-to-week.

Sorghum conditions, meanwhile, continued to deteriorate, going from 30% good/excellent to 28% in six selected states.