Valley City Trap Club News
July 26, 2022
Submitted by Lewis Legge
I’m a little late with this week’s article as everybody was busy preparing for Wednesday’s Buffalo Burger fundraiser for the Valley City Trap Club. It takes a tremendous amount of planning and preparation and was quite successful during this year’s Crazy Day effort.
I want to thank everyone for their support and I feel it’s appropriate to shine a little light on all who made it possible. Thanks goes to Doug Kelley, Todd Ingstad, Todd Paintner, Ethan Bear, Dan Anderson, Jean Legge, Erin Hassler, Morgan Jenner, Chuck-Sandi-Evan Meilke, John-Jakob-Jennifer Stainbrooke, Tim-Kailer Logan, Bodi Haglund, John Olson, Levi Trader, Mike Howe Jr., Jackson Eisen, Howard-Diane Trapp, and Rod and his crew at Valley Meats.
The spring league wrap up is as follows: Frostbite Grapple-621, US Fish & Wildlife-450, RC Welding-447, Smith Lumber-420, Valley Meats-360 and Bob’s Excavating-222.
High Men-Lewis Legge, High Jr. Men-Eric Ingstad-139, High Women-Caitlyn Thorsen-79, High Jr. Women-Page Kaber-114.
Tip of the Week: My scores have been off a little since finish of league and it’s because I got lazy and was not pulling the gun firmly. Suck it in tight and shoot well.