
For the week ending Sunday, Winter wheat harvested in Nebraska was 61%, ahead of 55% last year, and near 60% average.  Winter wheat condition rated 19% very poor, 22% poor, 36% fair, 20% good, and 3% excellent.

Corn condition rated 5% very poor, 9% poor, 22% fair, 49% good, and 15% excellent. Corn silking was 45%, near 49% last year and 48% for the five-year average. Dough was 1%, near 3% both last year and average.

Soybean condition rated 3% very poor, 7% poor, 24% fair, 50% good, and 16% excellent. Soybeans blooming was 55%, behind 72% last year and 63% average. Setting pods was 14%, behind 28% last year and 19% average.

In South Dakota,  Winter wheat harvested was 25%, behind 31% last year, and near 26% average.  Winter wheat condition rated 2% very poor, 25% poor, 40% fair, 30% good, and 3% excellent.

In North Dakota, Winter wheat Harvested was 2%, near 6% last year and 3% average.  Condition rated 2% very poor, 4% poor, 16% fair, 67% good, and 11% excellent. Winter wheat headed was 98%, near 94% last year and 97% average. Coloring was 49%, well behind 72% last year, and behind 68% average. Mature was 17%, well behind 42% last year, and behind 28% average.

Very hot and humid conditions have prevailed over North Dakota hard red spring and durum crops in recent days. The hot temperatures have been beneficial in advancing crop maturity, but the extreme heat, and hotter than typical night time temps have likely added some yield stress to portions of the crop, dependent on soil moisture and stage of development.

Fortunately, soil moisture conditions remain adequate to surplus over the bulk of the state, limiting overall stress to the crop. This was reflected in weekly crop condition ratings holding steady with the previous week for North Dakota spring wheat, at 80% still rated good to excellent.

The U.S. spring wheat crop is rated 71% good to excellent. South Dakota rates 67% of its crop good to excellent, while Minnesota is reporting 71% of the crop at good to excellent.