
Katrina Just

MINOT, N.D. (NDSF) – Eight North Dakota 4-H and FFA high school seniors have been selected to receive a combined total of $40,000 in scholarships from Hess Corporation awarded through the North Dakota State Fair (NDSF) Foundation.

All awardees are pursuing secondary education or training related to or in support of the oil and gas industry.

Three $10,000 scholarship winners include Landyn Miller from Baldwin, Katrina Just from Berlin, and Mason Kraft from Minot.

-Landyn Miller, a Wilton High School graduate, enjoys learning about factors that influence markets and how they shape the economy. This interest is prompting him to study Business, Finance and Economics at Bismarck State College in the fall.

-Katrina Just plans to start her education as a Registered Nurse through Bismarck State College. The LaMoure High School graduate wants a career that allows her to make a difference in the lives of others living in rural North Dakota.

-Minot High School student, Mason Kraft, has found a passion for agriculture throughout his years in 4-H and FFA, but a current internship with Gooseneck Implement is what determined his future career path. He will be attending North Dakota State College of Science to pursue a degree in John Deere Diesel Technology.

Other scholarship winners receiving awards of $2000 each include:

-Anne Schauer from Carpio, ND will be attending Bismarck State College to study Education.

-Lindsey Vachal from White Earth, ND will attend North Dakota State University to study Pre-Veterinary and Animal Science.

-Ben Scheresky from Max, ND will attend North Dakota State University to study Agricultural Economics.

-Shayden Schiele from Balfour, ND will attend North Dakota State College of Science to study Farm Management.

-Sarah Potts from Minot, ND will attend Dickinson State University to study Range Management and Natural Resource Management.

The selection committee included the NDSF Foundation executive director and representatives from the NDSF board, NDSF Foundation board, community leaders, 4-H, FFA and an oil and gas industry representative.

Ron Ness was asked to serve on the selection committee as the oil and gas representative. As president of the North Dakota Petroleum Council, serving as an industry spokesperson and managing the association which represents more than 500 companies in all aspects of North Dakota’s oil and gas industry. Ness has served for many years on the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission, the Oil and Gas Research Council, the Empower North Dakota Commission and the Governor’s Revenue Advisory Committee.

Ron shared, “It was an honor to participate in the selection process for these scholarship awards. Hess’s contribution to their education and their investment in the 4-H and FFA programs in North Dakota is outstanding. The students and organizations who participated should be proud of their excellent work. I’m excited to see the impact they have on our great state.”

“We are excited to congratulate the scholarship winners. Hess is proud to partner with the North Dakota State Fair Foundation to invest in the youth of North Dakota for a second year,” said Brent Lohnes, Hess General Manager for North Dakota. “I am personally excited to see how these students positively impact the communities where they live and work.”

The scholarship winners will be honored at an awards ceremony on Wednesday, July 27 at 4:00 PM in the Expo Barn at the North Dakota State Fair.

Earlier this year, nine 4-H Clubs and FFA Chapters in North Dakota were selected to receive a $500 grant from Hess Corporation awarded through the North Dakota State Fair Foundation.

The grants are being used for community service projects to benefit the club or chapter’s local geographical area or to increase participating in the North Dakota State Fair.