L to R: Ella Sather, Addy Spanier, Tessa Kinney, Assistant Coach Kennedy Brown, Laniya Walker, Claire Shanenko, Ada Gilbertson
Second row L to R: Hailley Grenz, Grace Bitz, Kiyah Hayes, McKenley Fladeland 
Junior Varisty
L to R: Laityn Coleman, Gabby Wadeson, Addy Chase, Coach Jennifer Anderson

VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Hi-Lites are coming home with all blue ribbons which is the highest ribbon on evaluation day.

This earned them a superior trophy qualifying them for nationals. The team also received the full out award and spirit sticks everyday,

The Hi-Lites had 2 All American qualifiers, Ada Gilbertson and Tessa Kinney. Hailley Grenz received the Pin It Forward from a Sheyenne dancer. Then they had 7 dancers receive special recognition ribbons from our coaches.

These dancers were Ada Gilbertson, Hailley Grenz, Tessa Kinney, Grace Bitz, Laniya Walker, Claire Shanenko, and Addy Chase.