
JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – It’s time to start thinking back to school and Central Valley Health District (CVHD) is thinking immunizations and physicals.

CVHD provides both services as more and more families prepare to get back into the school mindset. Director of Nursing Kim Lee says they provide various services from vision screenings to education in the schools, but are focused on back to school immunizations and sports physicals right now.

Lee says for child immunizations, there is a schedule developed by the CDC, ACIP, and AAP that they follow.

The state of North Dakota requires students entering 7th grade are required to take 1 dose of Tdap, or Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis. They must also have their 1st dose of MCV4, or Meningococcal Conjugate. It’s also recommended they have their HPV and COVID-19 immunization.

For those students entering 11th grade, they must have their 2nd dose of MCV4. The Men B, or Serogroup B Meningococcal immunization is also recommended.

Central Valley Health will be offering immunizations at their office and through drive-thru immunization clinics every Thursday through the first week in August at the Jamestown Civic Center. Appointments are required and can be made by calling 701-252-8130 or visiting centralvalleyhealth.org.

Lee says student athletes should also be getting their sports physical done ahead of the fall sports season.

These are also offered at the Central Valley Health District Office. Lee added they’ve expanded their sports physical offering to rural areas of Carrington, Valley City, Gackle, and Montpelier.

Sports physicals cost $60 at the time of service, but Lee says they have discounts available based on income and family size.

For more information, like Central Valley Health District on Facebook, visit centralvalleyhealth.org, or call 701-252-8130.

Listen to a full Let’s Talk About It with Kim Lee below: