VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Gosh, with last Monday being Independence Day, the end of the week arrived in a hurry! Of course being “older”, many things seem to come & go in a hurry. It is still fun, enjoy.
In the Summer 2022 edition of the “North Dakota Horizons” magazine there is a striking article about our Medicine Wheel Park. Co-Editor, Annie Bennett and Dr. Joe Stickler collaborated on a must read article. Find it at https://www.facebook.com/Medicine-Wheel-Park-680472872015658/ Thank you Dr. Joe & Annie.
There are still some properties needing mowing and cleaning. Please take pride in your property’s appearance and “spiff it up” a bit. Thank you.
Remember “Summer Nights on Central” this Thursday. There will be music, vendors and opportunities for investing time with family & friends of all ages.
Your Valley City Fire Department is now providing fire extinguisher sales, re-charging services and safety instructions. They offer same day extinguisher service along with home & business inspections helping you determine your needs. They have many sizes of sensibly priced extinguishers in stock and their service prices are very desirable. For the safety of your family & friends, install fire extinguishers in you homes and garages.
Thanks to all who helped with topics & proofing again this week.
“Sportsmanship goes beyond the game; it begins with respect.” (Tommy Hilfiger)
Blessings, Respect, Kindness and Prayers, Dave Carlsrud, Mayor of Valley City.