
JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Chuck Keller became infatuated with the legendary Gatling Gun and history when he was just 5 years old.

Today, he hopes his enthusiasm for the historic weapon inspires others.

Keller has been a reenactor since 1989 when he was first invited to join the Jamestown-based 20th Infantry at Fort Lincoln in Garrison, ND.

From there, Keller says he was hooked on reenacting. In his travels, he had also been interested in acquiring a Gatling Gun.

Keller has presented and displayed his 1870’s Gatling gun at various sites, giving details on the history of the weapon, how it was used, the many battles a Gatling gun was spotted, and more.

Then, at 600 rounds per minute, he shows exactly what they can do. Keller says this is where spectators get a unique experience they can’t find anywhere else.

Keller encourages parents to bring their kids to events such as Big Guns of the Old West to see displays such as his to inspire others to enjoy history and “catch the bug.”

He described the scene you’ll see if you attend Big Guns of the Old West July 15 through the 17th.

The event is free to all at Fort Seward in Jamestown. It will also feature a live demonstration and firing of a real Howitzer cannon, reenactments, displays, vendors, 1880’s ballroom and dinner, and more.

You can view a small demonstration of Big Guns of the Old West from 2020 below.

Listen to a full Let’s Talk About It with Chuck Keller below: