VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Music in the City Park Bandshell on Wednesday, June 29 will feature the FM Golden Notes New Horizons Band from Fargo-Moorhead. They will begin playing at 7:15 pm. Several from the surrounding area are part of this group.
The New Horizons Bands organization was first organized in 2005. One individual, Jim Kinlaw, was looking for an opportunity to learn to play an instrument and eventually play music with others. A key contact for Jim was meeting Dr. Michael Thrasher, at church. Michael was part of the music staff at NDSU. Jim asked him if he could teach him to play music. He kindly said, “Sure.” Michael recommended the alto sax as an instrument and started his lessons. After about a year Dr. Thrasher thought it was time for Jim to play with other musicians. He introduced Jim to an organization called the “New Horizons Bands.” whose very purpose is to allow former musicians who hadn’t played since high school or college, or even with no experience to play music together. Shortly other contacts were made. Dr. Ed Christianson a notable Fargo musician and teacher, took upon himself, the task of directing the fledgling
The New Horizons Band in the Fargo – Moorhead area was generously fostered from the beginning by North Dakota State University by providing the group of older musicians a place to rehearse each week during the school year using their band practice room.
In the years that followed they added and lost members until today they number nearly 30 musicians. All of those in the band consider the band “family” to be about more than just playing music. It is also a rich social connection to others where many have formed warm friendships.
The FM Golden Notes fill a special musical niche in this community. The band motto is, “Your best is good enough.”
Bring your family & lawn chairs (maybe some mosquito spray) and enjoy the evening with neighbors & friends! A freewill offering is taken each night for the continued support of the City Park Bandshell. (Due to inclement weather, the program will be held at the VCSU Vangstad Auditorium on the VCSU campus)
Music in the Park is sponsored by the Valley City Parks & Recreation, Bridges Arts Council, NewsDakota.com, KOVC Radio, Myron Sommerfeld family, Valley City Eagles, CVB, Cass County Electric, and North Dakota Council on the Arts.