JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NDDOT) – Summer H.E.A.T. (Highway Enforcement of Aggressive Traffic) continues with the Click It or Ticket enforcement campaign July 1 through Aug. 18.
Law enforcement agencies statewide will enforce the state seat belt law to save lives on North Dakota roads.
Increased traffic on the roadways during the summer leads to an increased number of crashes and fatalities. Failure to wear a seat belt results in more motor vehicle fatalities in North Dakota than any other contributing factor.
Preliminary crash fatalities in 2022 have reached 33 as of June 26, 2022. Of these fatalities, 65% were unbelted where seat belts were present in the vehicle.
“Seat belts save lives,” said Jamestown Police Chief Scott Edinger. “Whether you’re the driver or the passenger, always buckle up every time you travel.”
This campaign is a part of the Summer H.E.A.T. strategy and Vision Zero initiative to eliminate motor vehicle crash fatalities and serious injuries on North Dakota roads. Summer H.E.A.T. will take place through August to encourage everyone to wear a seat belt, use appropriate child passenger safety seats, follow all posted speed limits, and drive sober and distraction-free.