JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – SkyWest Airlines has announced a temporary schedule change through the Jamestown Regional Airport as they continue to deal with staffing shortages.
Earlier this year, SkyWest Airlines had issued a contract termination to more than 25 airports they service. The Federal Department of Transportation informed SkyWest that they must fulfill their contracts.
Jamestown Airport Manager Katie Hemmer says the change will be two arrivals and departures in the afternoon as opposed to the early morning schedule for connections in Denver.
Hemmer says they are confident in SkyWest and the implementation of the new, temporary flight schedule.
The current contract for Essential Air Service through the U.S. DOT is June 30th, 2023.
Hemmer says its anticipated new proposals would be discussed at the beginning of next year and SkyWest would be interested in continuing past that date.
The new schedule includes:
Leave Jamestown at 12:48 PM CDT direct to Denver. Arrival at 12:30 MDT
Leave Jamestown at 6:28 PM CDT direct to Denver. Arrival at 6:10 MDT
Leave Denver at 7:45 AM MDT with 1 stop in Devils Lake. Arrive in Jamestown at 12:07 PM CDT
Leave Denver at 1:25 PM MDT with 1 stop in Devils Lake. Arrive in Jamestown 5:47 PM CDT