The Fort Seward Wagon Train in 2021. Photo: Lacey Kaiser, Fort Seward Wagon Train
JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – A weeklong authentic wagon train experience awaits more than 100 participants and crew members in Jamestown.
The Annual Fort Seward Wagon Train has hosted thousands in its history since 1969, giving them the full pioneer experience.
Board President Lacey Kaiser says the months of preparation include purchasing necessary equipment, planning the trail, and organizing the wagons and horses. She adds the crew and participants are encouraged to embrace the experience to make it as authentic as possible.
Participants will take the “South Creek Trail” this year by wagon, horse, and even by foot as they traverse daily before reaching their stop. Once camp is established, Kaiser says tasks are taken over by participants and the crew, giving it a working wagon train feel.
The event has also generated buzz worldwide, bringing in participants from many different parts of the U.S. and world.
While most participants are new, Kaiser says they also have many who have participated on multiple wagon trains in their 52 year history.
The Fort Seward Wagon Train will depart from Fort Seward on Sunday, June 19th and travel roughly 75 miles over the week before returning. Those interested in more information can visit covered-wagon-train.com or like their Facebook page for updates.