JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Jamestown City Council started their 2023 budget planning Monday afternoon.
Councilmember David Schloegel was not present.
City Administrator Sarah Hellekson stated they have a deadline set for budget finalization.
Preliminary budget data was presented to the council with proposed expenditures of $9,738,831, a 10% increase from the 2022 adopted budget.
Mayor Dwaine Heinrich stated if the value of a mill remains the same, the city would need to look at cutting some expenses.
He added the job will be “difficult” as they prepare the budget.
The council discussed expenses for Jamestown Fire Department, Police Department, Street Department, Engineering, Inspections, Forestry, Civic Center, and buildings including City Hall.
The city will be meeting at 2 PM Wednesday to continue 2023 budget planning.