
Submitted by Lewis Legge

Early in the day we decided not to open Tuesday night because of the windy conditions.  

It seems not everyone gets the memo so I went up anyway.  

Terry Gwilliams and I went to work cleaning and did a few repairs.  Sure enough, the wind started to abate and a nice evening appears.  As the wind went down the clay target junkies showed up.  So we had us a little fun shooting.

Eric Ingstad broke 25 on trap.  The young man has become a fine shooter but shows no mercy on us old guys. Last week I mentioned some odd powder Ron Koslofsky was using so I thought I’d try a new one too. It’s a CBD-induced shotgun powder.  It smokes a lot, the shells don’t seem to care if they ignite or not and target breakage is mediocre.  On the other hand, recoil-felt pain is really reduced.

Tip of the week:  I overheard a number of shooters say that their first rounds out are really good and then their scores fall off.  When we shoot a good round we tell ourselves “Okay. This is easy.” Then we begin to relax and get lazy.  Shoulder and stock connection gets loose and point shooting starts.  

Pull that stock in like you were born with it and most problems will go away.  

Shoot well.