Options provided by Interstate Engineering regarding 12th Ave. SE in Jamestown. Courtesy City of Jamestown
JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The City of Jamestown has received several options to address issues with 12th Ave. SE from 3rd St. to 6th St.
In cooperation with the North Dakota Department of Transportation and Federal Highway Administration, planning was needed for roadway improvements along a three-block stretch on 12th Ave. SE.
The Jamestown Public Works Committee was given several options to update infrastructure and increase travel efficiency from northeast to southeast Jamestown.
Jamestown Engineering Technician Tyler Michel gave the committee different alternatives that included reconstruction or realignment.
The city would receive approximately 80% in Federal Funding and the rest would be covered in 20% state funding. Costs between each proposed build varies from $1.023 million and $1.23 million.
The committee voted to move the issue to a special city council meeting to be determined. Councilmember David Schloegel was not present.