JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Jamestown Sanitation Foreman Shawn O’Niell reports they had a successful Clean Up week in the city.
He says he’s spent some time with his staff and the street department to gather what went well, what didn’t, and what can be improved upon for future collections.
O’Niell says they still picked up the large piles, but says they may need to educate the public on how big the piles should be.
He says it would also help if participants would spread out their items on the curb for the safety of their staff.
With help from the Street Department and prison residents, O’Niell says they were able to efficiently complete Cleanup Week as they work through staff shortages.
A total of 212.89 tons of items were collected that include:
Monday (SE) – 47.43 tons
Tuesday (SW) – 52.70 tons
Wednesday (NW) – 23.31 tons
Thursday (NE) – 89.45 tons
The city collected just 163 tons in 2021.
O’Niell also informed the committee that they have set their return to alley garbage collection for Tuesday, May 31st.