(NDAgConnection.com) – Last year at this time, 39% of North Dakota potatoes had been planted. So far this year, no potatoes have been reported planted in the latest USDA-NASS Crop Progress & Condition Report. Average potato planting progress for this date is 24% complete.
Things aren’t much better in Minnesota where only 8% of the potato crop has been planted. That compares to 74% last year and 54% average.
Other North Dakota Crops
Spring wheat planted was 8%, well behind 63% last year and 37% for the five-year average. Durum wheat planted was 3%, well behind 37% last year and 23% average. Corn planted was 1%, well behind 33% last year, and behind 18% average. Canola planted was 2%, behind 18% last year and 14% average. Sugarbeets planted was 2%, well behind 91% last year and 62% average. Oats planted was 11%, well behind 47% last year and 32% average. Barley planted was 6%, well behind 60% last year and 33% average. Dry edible peas planted was 4%, well behind 43% last year and 32% average. Flaxseed planted was 3%, behind 14% last year and 10% average.
Other Minnesota Crops
Corn planting reached 9% complete, compared to 48% last year and the 5-year average of 81%. Soybean planting was 2% complete, compared to 59% last year and the 5-year average of 25%. Planting progress for spring wheat is at 2%, compared to 93% last year and 63% average. Oats at 23% compares to 86% last year and 58% average. Barley at 5% planted, compared to 85% last year and 43% average. Sugarbeets at 8% planted compares to 59% last year and 25% average.
The entire Northern Plains has been plagued by below normal temperatures and above normal precipitation this spring, reports the Northern Plains Potato Growers Association, East Grand Forks, Minn.