VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – YOUR HELP IS NEEDED as sewer backup has occurred in some Valley City homes. Our Master Lift Station normally pumps about 700,000 gallons of waste daily, but during these times of significant rain events, gallons have been as high as 2.5 MILLION!!
WE can all help:
1. Conserve water by flushing toilets only when necessary, wash clothes in between water usage peak times, avoid breakfast, lunch and dinner times.
2. THIS IS IMPORTANT, discharge your sump pump outside to the storm sewer instead of the sanitary sewer in your basement.
With some sunshine and pleasant temperatures, seeing families out walking, playing Wiffle Ball, biking etc. was enjoyable. Oh yah, there was some yard work in progress too, not as fun as the aforementioned.
Because the river is so high, the gates on storm sewers are closed to stop backup. Pumps are pumping the water over the dikes though pumps aren’t as fast as our storm sewer system so I ask for your patience as our City Crews are monitoring pumps 24-7. Thank you.
I am to respect and be kind to people who are different than me.
Last week a few of our City Staff attended the Missouri River Energy Services (MRES) Annual Meeting. There were numerous presentations regarding where we are in the world of energy and where we are going. It was a great opportunity for networking as well and I found the event to be very educational.
“Success is personal, so stop comparing your apples to their oranges.” (Yohance Salimu) Blessings, Respect, Kindness and Prayers.
Dave Carlsrud
Valley City Mayor