JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – After four decades of leadership as the Safe Shelter’s Executive Director, Lynne Tally has announced her retirement effective June 2022.
The Safe Shelter Board President is pleased to announce Safe Shelter has hired Shauna Isbell-Kemp as its Executive Director effective June 1, 2022. Isbell-Kemp has been the University of Jamestown Head Women’s Wrestling Coach and Assistant Athletic Director.
Isbell-Kemp has accepted the position and will train with Tally during the month of June before Tally retires.
“Shauna is a highly respected coach, leader in women’s athletics and empowerment, programming, and communication,” Safe Shelter Board President Sarah Hellekson stated. “Her work and experience guiding and empowering others, writing grants, managing budgets, and working with volunteers will be a great asset to the Safe Shelter. The Safe Shelter Board of Directors is pleased to continue the legacy, growth, and momentum of the past 40 years.”
The Safe Shelter Executive Director is responsible for staff leadership, fund development including grant writing and reporting, fiscal and budget management, organizational policy development, program development and coordination, collaboration with diverse agencies and organizations, facility management, and some direct services for survivors.
Safe Shelter was founded in 1980 to help end domestic violence and sexual assault. Safe Shelter is committed to empowering victims of physical, emotional, and sexual violence by offering information which will allow them to choose their own courses of action and by supporting them as they act on those choices.
Safe Shelter provides crisis intervention and advocacy services for adult survivors of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking.