
Academy graduates include (l to r) Matesi Neumiller, Cora Wolsky, Katelyn Britzman, Kasidy Tibke, Kylie Albrecht, and David Murphy

JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Taking a program that normally takes upwards of six months to complete and condensing it to less than a month is no small feat.

But the Jamestown Area Ambulance Service has done it.

Formed as a way to fill their staff and address a local shortage of EMTs, the EMS Academy took the traditional training and turned it into an 18 day bootcamp while providing full-time benefits.

Operations Manager Andrew Berkey says they took that concept to select candidates with qualities they believed would be able to become a care provider and train them while they’re being paid.

Berkey says in a little over four weeks, they took six students and trained them to become EMTs.

Now, the Jamestown Area Ambulance crew is fully staffed and some of these students are already working.

Berkey added there had been concerns from many when they first announced this approach, which he says he understands. From a national article criticizing the approach to many in the public who didn’t believe it was possible, he used those as tools to inspire the newly graduated EMTs.

Looking back, Berkey believes the program was a complete success. He added if there’s a need to do it again, they will. He pointed out they will continue to provide their Spring and Fall EMS courses for those who may be interested in becoming an EMT.

Academy participants are now staffed in Jamestown, Casselton, and Lisbon.

Listen to a full Let’s Talk About It with Andrew Berkey below: