
Ross Motter, a Jamestown High School Junior and member of Jamestown DECA, was elected as the Central Region Vice President. Photo Submitted

JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Distributive Education Clubs of America, or DECA, held their International Career Development Conference (ICDC) in Atlanta, GA in April where thousands gathered for education and the election of officers.

One Junior at Jamestown High School was among those elected to serve as Central Region Vice President.

Ross Motter is the son of Aaron and Elsie Motter and has participated in DECA for the last two years. He says he was interested because his mom participated in the same program when she was in high school.

Motter says his goal in going to ICDC was to run for executive office.

With his title, Motter will be representing 13 states and national DECA. He will be serving with other elected individuals from Tennessee and Washington. He added he’s honored to be the first from Jamestown to serve on the executive board.

Motter will retain the title through 2022 and into 2023 before elections are held again at ICDC in Florida.

He encouraged anyone who may be interested in better themselves and developing into a future leader to explore DECA in their local area.

You can find more information about DECA at deca.org.

DECA 2022