VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakot.com) – The Sheyenne River in Valley City is expected to crest at 18 feet on Sunday, May 1st according to the National Weather Service and the US Army Corps of Engineers.
Baldhill dam Resource manager Rich Schueneman told Valley City officials that two drains north of Valley City were shut down on Saturday, April 30th and this action will greatly help the city in its flood fight.
Schueneman also talked about the operating plan and how it will be used to help Valley City and downstream communities in the days ahead.
Barnes County Emergency Manager Sue Lloyd said this action will keep the two bridges along the Katheryn road south of Valley City open until further notice.
To sign up for ALERT Barnes County Emergency Notifications system, please visit www.barnescounty.us. You can find the sign up link in the left hand corner. You will need to enter your address and contact information. It is best to sign up on a desktop however there is an app you can download also. If you have any questions, please contact the dispatch center and we will help you as best we can.
Barnes County and its entities WILL be sending road closures, bridge closures, and other flood related information through the ALERT Barnes County Notification System. The number will show up as 701-845-8181 or 701-845-8510.
Another road was closed in Barnes County due to high water levels. County Road 32 is closed 1 mile west of North Dakota Hwy 1 and 4 miles east of Barnes County 11. No detour is provided. Motorists are advised to seek alternate routes and reminded to not drive around road closed barricades.
City Administrator Gwen Crawford said the recently news from Rich Schueneman means that the Rainbow and CHI Mercy Hospital bridges will remain open until further notice in Valley City.
Those who would like to volunteer to be dike and levee monitors should call the flood hotline at 701-890-7848.
Photos courtesy of Gigi Goven and Tyler Jacobson of Valley City.
According to one rain gauge, Valley City receive 2.5 inches of rain over a two day period.
The full flood meeting audio is below.
Valley City residents are asked to limit their water usage until further notice to take pressure off the master lift station.