
Photo: Jamestown Kiwanis Club

JAMESTOWN, N.D. ( – The Jamestown Kiwanis Club will once again by flipping some stacks to raise money and support their various causes on May 2nd.

The longtime fundraiser has helped the club raise money for their mission of helping kids in the community. Amanda Thrift is a local Kiwanian.

Thrift says they have their goal set for the 11 AM to 7 PM event.

A big cause the money is used for is the Kiwanis Kids Against Hunger food distribution event. The group, along with the community, has packaged more than 1 million meals for hungry families in that events history.

There are also some longtime members of the Jamestown Kiwanis who will be present at the pancake day.

Tickets are $10 for adults, $5 for children ages 12 and younger and $25 for a family. There is no charge for children under 5. There will also be raffle items to help raise money as well. The event will be held at Club 1883 (formerly the KC Hall) in Jamestown.

For more information, like the Jamestown Kiwanis Club on Facebook.

Listen to a full Let’s Talk About It with Amanda Thrift below: