JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – In a special meeting Tuesday, the Jamestown City Council approved a mutual aid agreement with Valley City to more effectively respond and provide public services during emergency situations.
In the agreement, the two parties have determined that it is their best interest to “develop and implement preparedness plans and conduct joint exercises before an immediate need in order to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of their response to any emergency or disaster.”
The agreement states each party will furnish personnel, equipment, facilities or services during an emergency.
The council also authorized was to authorize Mayor Dwaine Heinrich and City Administrator Sarah Hellekson to sign the mutual aid agreement and unanimously approved authorizing Heinrich to negotiate a contract for materials and/or services with Valley City for the 2022 spring flood event in Valley City.
The recommendation came from Jamestown City Attorney Leo Ryan.
Councilmember Dan Buchanan was not present.