
VALLEY CITY, N.D. ( – The city of Valley City declared a flood emergency on Saturday, April 23rd to protect the city for a river crest of 18.5 feet forecast for Saturday, April 30th.

City Administrator Gwen Crawford said city crews completed the installation of flood walls. She thanked the city of Fargo for providing some 15,000 filled sandbags to help Valley City. Additional sandbags are available for Barnes County residents too.

US Army Corps of Engineers Baldhill dam resource manager Rich Schueneman said Strata Corporation accepted a contract to build clay dikes.

Schueneman talked about projected dam outflows that will maintain a river level of nearly 16 feet in Valley City for a few days.

North Dakota Adjutant General Alan Dohrmann said the National Guard is ready, but may not needed in Valley City during this flood fighting effort.

Dohrmann addressed the city commission at a special meeting on Sunday, April 24th.

The city engineers are working with the contractor to help build a flood protection up to 21 feet. The river is forecast to crest at 18.5 feet on Saturday, April 30th.