VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The city of Valley City declared a flood emergency and is taking every step to protect the city for a forecast river crest of 18.5 feet on Wednesday, April 27th.
The city passed two resolutions, one for the flood emergency and a second requesting flood emergency flood assistance during a special meeting on Saturday, April 23rd.
Baldhill dam resource manager Rich Schueneman said 3,000 CFS is being released out of Baldhill dam but that will be ramped up to 5,000 CFS as inflows continue to increase into Lake Ashtabula.
City Administrator Gwen Crawford said city crews are installing flood walls and working to build clay dikes to protect the city.
Public Works Director Clint Klemisch talked some of the road closures in the city.
Valley City Mayor Dave Carlsrud has this message for the residents of Valley City.
Barnes County Highway Roads Superintendent Kerry Johnson said several township roads are washed out and flooded. He said motorists are advised to reduce speed, use caution and do not drive through high water areas.
Johnson said no travel advised on ALL Barnes County township roads due to rain and flooding. He said multiple road and culvert washouts are being reported in Barnes County.