VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Another updated schedule is attached with the latest updates, according to Valley City Activities Director Mike Schultz:
- JH Track schedule for today (April 22nd) in Kindred has been cancelled.
- JH Baseball Tournament scheduled for April 22nd and 23rd has been postponed to April 30th.
- Varsity Baseball for Saturday (April 23rd) in Grand Forks has been postponed to April 28th.
The only remaining activity scheduled is softball in Morris, MN on Saturday, April 23rd. At this point, the forecast for Morris is 65 degrees with partly cloudy skies and NO rain. Unless things change dramatically in the next 12 hours, the tournament will be played.
Updates can also be found here: https://valleycity. rschoolteams.com/