VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) Becky Goven was selected to become the next principal of Jefferson elementary school unanimously by the Valley City School board on April 20th.
Goven looks forward to starting in her new position on August 1st following the retirement of Troy Miller.
Troy Miller has been an educator for more than 30 years and has served as the principal of Jefferson elementary for the last 18 years. He said it’s been a rewarding experience serving the students in this school district.
Superintendent Josh Johnson said on behalf of the hiring committee and the school board, I’m excited to announce the hiring of Mrs. Becky Goven as our new principal at Jefferson Elementary beginning on August 1, 2022. Mrs. Goven currently teaches 4th grade at Washington Elementary and will succeed Mr. Troy Miller for the 2022-2023 school year.
He said we believe Becky is an outstanding fit for this position and will help lead Jefferson students, staff, and parents very successfully.