Photo: Jamestown Parks & Rec
JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Jamestown Parks & Recreation District will be featuring different parks and facilities on their social media to bring awareness to the different amenities and services they provide.
Director Amy Walters says in their initial run through of community surveys, they saw a lot of requests for something of this nature.
Walters says features will include the dog park or Two Rivers Activity Center for some examples. She says each week, they’ll bring attention to a facility or park and highlight some of its qualities and what it provides for visitors.
Walters is also encouraging dog park and park visitors to clean up after your furry friends.
She added by cleaning up after your pets, it ensures everyone can enjoy the parks in the community. Walters says they’ve also teamed up with the University of Jamestown for a service project to help.
The Summer Parks program is also in search of individuals to help staff Nikeus, Leapaldt, and Meidinger.
For more information, visit jamestownparksandrec.com.