
VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Valley City Hi-Liner Speech Team is the 2022 NDHSAA State Champion. Congratulations to all team members and coaches. Enjoy your journey of excellence.

First graders and third graders at Jefferson School participated in City Government Week with a coloring contest and an essay contest respectively. Thank you to all who competed. Charlotte Sather won the coloring contest and Sullivan Peterson won the “Mayor for a Day” essay contest.

Cyber security; be aware of phishing scams. If there is something unusual, even when the sender’s name appears to be someone you know, click on the name to check the address. Some of those scams begin with “I need a favor” or the like.
From CCHD, a 4th COVID-19 Vaccination is available at numerous locations.

The Sheyenne Valley Area Career and Technical Center Graphic Communications Class has loaned the city eleven framed photographs for the Commission Chambers. If you stop in and the room is available, please look as they do nice work. Thank you, we are grateful for the “loan”.

Please clean your garbage pickup area and “contain” your garbage. Cans are best as plastic garbage bags are being torn open, by “critters”. If you use plastic bags, try to put them out on your garbage day to minimize the time they are exposed. Your sanitation crews are not required to pick up your loose garbage.

Last Wednesday morning the first “Coffee With the Cops” was held with a nice attendance. Join us at the next one.

“Asking for help is an example of humility, not a cause for humiliation ” (Anonymous) Blessings, Respect, Kindness and Prayers.

Dave Carlsrud

Mayor of Valley City