
Photo: Orphan Grain Train

JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The North Dakota branch of Orphan Grain Train (OGT) has been helping assist the global efforts of Ukraine with hygiene supplies/kits and diapers.

In their latest quarterly update, the state branch received word from OGT’s headquarters to create a shipment to aid Ukrainian people who have fled the country into Poland. The shipment was sent to OGT’s Norfolk warehouse where it sent an air-cargo shipment out this month.

“Thanks to generous donors, we collected various items that were sent from North Dakota to Nebraska and will make its way to Poland to assist countless Ukrainian refugees,” the local branch states. “We sent not one, but two shipments with 169 boxes on a trailer the first day and 381 on the second day in the truck and trailer.”

Photo: Orphan Grain Train

The truck started in Jamestown, picked up items in Moorhead at Our Redeemer’s Lutheran Church and also items from St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church in West Fargo. Contents included some quilts and blankets, new socks and underwear, dry food, miscellaneous hygiene items. hygiene kits, laundry detergent, diapers, and First Aid kits.

“At this time, we aren’t aware of another shipment going, but funds can be used to assist this cause,” the branch says.

If you wish to donate, you may send checks to OGTS Jamestown branch or go online to https://orphangraintrain-bloom.kindful.com/

You’re asked to note that your donation is meant for Ukrainian Relief Efforts.

Orphan Grain Train is a 501c3 nonprofit Christian volunteer network that shares personal and material resources with needy people in America and in 68 countries around the world.

Learn more at ogt.org/nd