VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – After three years of leading the Valley City Hi-Liners boys basketball team, head coach Alex Quist has decided to move on. Quist, who played his college basketball at Valley City State University, has called this decision “definitely bittersweet.”
In a text exchange with Coach Quist this morning, he told me this, “I’m extremely blessed and grateful for my time spent in Valley City. It’s hard to put into words how thankful I am for all of the relationships I’ve formed with my players, students, the teachers, and community members here. Valley City will always hold a special place in my heart. While it’s bittersweet, I look forward to taking these experiences with me into the next chapter of my life.” Quist is hoping to finish out the school year at VCHS, with May 27th being his last day.
VCHS AD Mike Schultz had this to say about coach Quist and his time leading the boys Hi-Liners basketball team, “Coach Quist made it a goal to win, but he understood that the value of basketball was much greater than that. He instilled educational values that the basketball players he coached will take with them much longer than the outcomes on the scoreboard. In activities we would like to see our teams win and when they don’t, we make quick judgements about the coaching. As AD, I have never felt that our basketball team was in the wrong hands with Coach Quist.”
School Board President Ryan Mathias said that Quist is a good teacher and coach, and it is sad to see him go.
Board member Natalie Wintch said that Alex was not only a coach, but was a good life skills teacher.
Mathias also said that the Hi-Liner players made this request.