
OAKES, N.D. ( – Below are the results for the Oakes archery teams at state. All Three teams receive $3,000 each for first place, to cover expenses for the Nationals trip to Utah. Nationals is April 29th, 30th.

2022 Elementary Division
Bullseye State Champions
Score 2,887
2022 Elementary Division
3-D 2nd Place
Score 1,424
2022 Middle School Division
Bullseye State Champions
Score 3,257
2022 Middle School Division
3-D State Champions
Score 1,631
2022 High School Division
Bullseye State Champions
Score 3,336
2022 High School Division
3-D State Champions
Score 1,671
Scholarship Winners
$3,000 Hunter Kamlitz 2nd Overall Male
$1,000 Clancey Zimbelman 4th Overall Male


Shayle Zimbelman

Shelby Baasch

4th Overall Female