
BISMARCK, N.D. (G&F) – North Dakota’s 2022-24 fishing proclamation is set, with regulations effective April 1, 2022, through March 31, 2024. New fishing licenses are required April 1.

Anglers can find the 2022-24 North Dakota Fishing Guide online at the state Game and Fish Department website,, or at Game and Fish Department offices and license vendors throughout the state.

Noteworthy regulation changes include:

  • Increased the statewide smallmouth/largemouth bass daily limit from 3 to 5 and possession limit from 6 to 10.
  • Allow for the taking of walleye during the darkhouse spearfishing season for the Missouri River System, Devils Lake and Stump Lake.
  • Paddlefish tags are available for purchase online, and at the Bismarck, Dickinson and Williston Game and Fish offices during normal business hours.

The 2022-23 fishing licenses can be purchased online by visiting the Game and Fish website.